The friendships you make at camp last a lifetime. This fact, to me, is proven again and again. Personally, I was shown this at my wedding (see the first picture) when so many of my camp and Winterfest friends were in my wedding or guests at my wedding. The friends I met through Camp Gailor Maxon are the ones that I know will be around for years to come. We have a special bond that transcends artificial social situations.
One of the most fun parts about camp friends is that even when you live hundreds of miles apart, once you run into each other randomly it is like you haven't missed a beat. This happened the other day for a few old CGMers that I was with. Alex Haralson, Shan Overton, and Christy Beesley were out with me at Papa Ron's for lunch this week and we ran into Ted Rice, an old CGM guy who had been on staff when Shan was director. They had so much fun catching up with him and he actually is going to bring his two daughters to pre-camp next summer! The second picture is of Alex, Shan, Ted, and Christy.
I was actually a staff member when Ted's parents were counselors with me. He was just a toddler then. Then my daughter was at camp while he was on staff. It just keeps going round.
I'm a housekeeper at Dubose, & my mom (Lorrie) told me about the blog. I just wanted to say that ya'll have done a really great job on it! I've enjoyed reading & looking at all the photos!
Hope camp is a blast!
I have found this very late in the year and way past camp time and just adored reading all the posts, but this one in particular brought smiles (and a couple of tears).
I spent a decade on the mountain as a camper (tho I missed the last two years I could have gone), was up there every chance I got otherwise as a teenager, and then returned in 1986 as a counselor & wound up working with the youth for the next year until other life responsibilities took me away from what I loved most. I've always regretted not making different choices career-wise and/or location-wise which could have kept me going back up (or on) the mountain indefinitely.
The year I was a CGM counselor, Ted and Shan's brother were two of our rising seniors, & I was blessed to be able to work with them, Shan, & all those other wonderful then-kids for the next year.
One look at this picture reminds me how old I am (ha!), but it's great to see these faces again & very heartening & satisfying to see that the circle of DuBose-ness just keeps going on, including the legacy of kids of kids of kids of CGM kids. That's so wonderful.
You've done a fabulous job with this blog and it's just been a delight, and a pleasant surprise to see that not all that much has changed with CGM.
I have lost touch with most from those days (except for one I'm related to by marriage!), but all of those I grew up with and most especially all of those from when I was a counselor - I've not forgotten any of you and there's probably not many days I don't think of you all.
Thanks again for the wonderful work put into this blog and the photos. Especially this one, it truly made my day.
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