Thursday, June 17, 2010

Camp One: The Golden Dustpan

With kids living in community together for an entire week in the cabins, it is no surprise that one of our traditions is the GOLDEN DUSTPAN. Every morning after breakfast, the campers head down to the cabins for about 30 minutes of clean-up time. They sweep, mop, tidy their area around their bed, take out the trash, and more. We feel this teaches them good habits for all of life, not just camp. 

Well, sometimes the quest for the golden dustpan gets to be about more than just cleaning. We've got some great kids here and one thing that Camp One has going for it is a sense of humor. So, bribery is never above this group... 

A witty note from the boys of Cabin 2. 
 A banner from the Cabin 5 girls.
 We love a good sense of humor - a little studying material for siesta and a dollar slipped in the cover. Don't worry, we didn't take the bribe.
A sweet note and flowers.

Cabin Six has a grid system for cleaning that ensures they are always in the running for the golden dustpan. 
Professions of love from Cabin Six. 

All in all, the signs, treats, and bribes are all in good fun. What it comes down to is keeping the cabins clean for the camp session but the quest for the Golden Dustpan is one that makes CGM unique.

1 comment:

ultralove said...

but cabin 6 won, right?