Monday, June 28, 2010

Camp Three: The First Night

Yesterday was the arrival of our last session for the summer - our Camp Three kids! We started off with a successful registration, followed by the annual swim test. After a spaghetti dinner, we proceeded to the downstairs chapel for our Opening Eucharist and introductions:

 During introductions, it became clear that the favored SEC schools were UT and Bama - whenever a counselor would say they went to one of those schools, the little ones would either cheer or boo as the case may be. The allegiances start young with these ones. 

After introductions, we learned about the rules of camp with our covenant, which the kids all signed:
After appropriately learning that "shut up" is a bad word, that shoes are on your feet for a reason, and other fun covenant rules, the kids were introduced to their family group leaders (our family groups are mountain ranges this week) and went off to learn about Advent.

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