Friday, June 4, 2010

Pre Camp: Day Two (Morning)

The theme for chapel this year is "BEST YEAR EVER!", focusing on the liturgical calendar and how we use it as a guide in our lives as Christians. For the Pre-Campers, we started out this morning learning about the season of Advent and Christmas, singing some fun Christmas songs, decorating a tree, and talking about preparing for the birth of Jesus. We then learned about the liturgical wheel and made our own!

We sang some more songs and played a few games as well. 
 There are a lot of new faces at Pre-Camp this year, but some of those new faces are actually very familiar to Camp Gailor Maxon! We've got camp alums who have brought back their children to introduce them to the camp experience. 

 After chapel, we took our group picture before heading over to the Monteagle Playground. This playground is awesome. We love it!

We've got a busy afternoon planned as well - tie dying, a bug hunt, swimming, and more. 

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