Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Camp 3: Wednesday!

Whew! We are exhausted from a full day of fun! 
This morning we started with a great chapel time, starting with singing and morning prayer. We then got a wonderful presentation from our DuBose Executive Director, David Ramsey, about clean water crises in Haiti. It was really interesting to see how other people don't have the same access to a clean tap like we do. Next we went out to the field a played a relay game where we had to carry water in cups on top of our heads from the "well" (a kiddie pool) to our family groups. It was crazy to think if that was the only water we got to use today. How stressful that must be for other people! After family groups we presented skits about ways that we can keep our spiritual thirst quenched- they were really great!

After chapel, we hung out at the pool until lunch! Then during lunch, Cabin 6 claimed their first Golden Dustpan of the week!

We had a sleepy siesta and then went to the playground to start afternoon activities!

After the playground we started everyone's favorite- our Sewanee adventure! We stopped at the bookstore (bought a lot of books actually), adventured around the chapel, went up the stairs to the rooftop patio, and played in the Quad! 

Next we took everyone to the Memorial Cross for dinner and singing! It was such a joyful noise!

We finished our time in Sewanee with the most beautiful All Saint's service we could have dreamed of- thank you Lara and Father Terry for making it so special for everyone!

To finish the day we had a bonfire and s'mores! Everyone is tired, ready for bed and excited to wake up for another big day tomorrow!

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