Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Camp 2: Monday!

Our first full day at camp was full of action and adventure! We started the day with a favorite breakfast- biscuits and gravy- followed by a little cabin clean up!

When we met back up after clean up for chapel where we talked about water and several of the bible stories that are about water. Water is used for healing, celebrating, joyful occasions and more. We went to small groups and made skits about our own interpretations of these stories. When we returned we shared our skits- which included everything from a Starbucks recreation to a funny bible reading and interpretation.

We had lunch (with a bunch of mail for mail call!) and siesta and were ready for action again!
In the afternoon we had the option of either going climbing at Foster Falls or staying on campus for Arts & Crafts, field games, pool, etc. We had a ton of fun and were ready for some down time during free time!

After dinner we had Messy Cabin Olympics! We started with name that tune and counselor trivia and then moved into the messy part like the "blow a bubble relay" and "peanut butter cheese puff awesomeness" (don't worry- we checked for allergies!) After a big round of "dodge sponge" (dodge ball with sponges) we had the frozen t-shirt relay. Everyone had a blast and was exhausted so we slept well last night! 

We're ready for another good day today (Tuesday)! We'll keep posting pictures!

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