Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Camp 2: Tuesday

Tuesday morning we all woke up from a great night of sleep and were ready to go! In the morning we had chapel where we learned about laying down our nets- all of those things that keep us from God. For some people those nets are a sport, for some it's social media, cell phones or even a friend who keeps us from growing a relationship with Christ. Since that was pretty personal we put those things in an envelope and then on our big net in the Downstairs Chapel. We finished off with a big game of magic tambourine and danced/laughed/sang ourselves to lunch!

After a hamburger lunch and a quiet siesta, we were ready for afternoon activities! The campers could choose to either go off campus to a hike called "Shakerag" in Sewanee or stay on campus for a bunch of different activities including yoga, baking, field games, and pool to name a few highlights! 

Last night was the ever-popular counselor hunt, where our campers search for the counselors who are hidden in various disguises. The campers last night caught half of our counselors- a pretty good number! Once caught, the "prisoner" counselors go back to "jail" (the pool) and wait for their "hunters" (a family group) to finish and we all come back to the pool to find out what the campers have charged each counselor with. Naturally they are guilty and those who are found are pushed into the pool as punishment! It's an age-old camp tradition that we wouldn't miss for the world! Finally we had a brief evening prayer & learned to sing the Lord's Prayer. Everyone was so tired last night that after a little night swim for everyone we went straight to bed and fell fast asleep. We're ready for more fun today!

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