Thursday, June 19, 2014

Camp 2: Wednesday!

Wednesday was one for the books, it was a constant round of fun!
In the morning we started with chapel- where we had a lot of fun. First David Ramsey, the Executive Director of DuBose, came to talk to us about clean water in third world countries, specifically Haiti. It was eye-opening to see how other people can't turn on a faucet for clean water like we can. Then we went and played a game where your family group had to get water from a "well" (kiddie pool) and carry it to a bucket on top of your head. It was so much fun, but then we learned it had a purpose. As Andrew explained to us, it takes a lot of water for all of us to function and if all we had was the water we carried with us during that game we would all be in a world of hurt. All in all, chapel was so interesting as we learned about water in places around the world!

When we got back from family group time, we performed some hilarious skits about living water- because we learned that it is the only kind that quenches thirst. We also played some hilarious games such as Ships and Sailors and Zebratonicus! Ask your youth to teach them to you!

After a much needed siesta, we started our Sewanee adventure day. The campers got to choose between going to the Res (a giant reservoir we get to swim in) or going to the Memorial Cross, the Quad and the Sewanee bookstore. Both were a blast and no one was ready for them to end! Sadly they had to (for the sake of showers for all) but we got to go back to Sewanee last night!

The day ended with a service at All Saint's and a bonfire (of course there were s'mores!). We had a great day at CGM and today should be fun as we learn to "fill our buckets"!

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