Friday, June 6, 2014

Pre-Camp- Day 2!

We had a crazy, busy, fun-filled first day of CGM 2014! We started off with chapel where we talked about water, what it does and how we like to use it. Some of our campers favorite water uses were: throwing it on people, water balloons fights, for water guns, and categories in the pool, but the most popular was swimming. This was until our priest Lissa pointed out that we can get baptized with water, making it a very exciting answer. We made filtration systems to clean dirty water so we can use it for all of these wonderful things!

Next we went on an excursion to Abbo's Alley in Sewanee.There we played a game where we acted like turtles trying to make it to the water and then played in the creek for a bit!

After a good lunch and even better siesta, we came back to chapel and made a well (in the chapel, so no actual digging was involved in this process) and talked about some of the fun stories in the bible about wells. 

For afternoon activities, we spent time at the art barn, playground and pavilion. We painted our nametags, rode the zip line, colored with chalk and played 4 square, just to name a few of the fun things we did!

Tonight we had 2 awesome activities- first we had our first mini Maxon counselor hunt, followed by a bonfire with s'mores and lots of fun-not scary- stories! We are so glad that Pre-Camp had so much fun on their second day here and we are looking forward to all the fun things we will do tomorrow! 

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