Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day Eighteen: 6/17

Wednesday of Camp II was spent running, playing, praying, and singing. We started off the morning with our usual chapel program. Meredith presented on celebrations and we spent time in our family groups. The family groups are getting closer and closer - they are a great place for friendships outside of cliques to be formed.

In the afternoon the kids had the choice to either go rappelling at Fiery Gizzard, go on a Sewanee day trip, or stay on campus. Those who stayed on campus got to choose between several activities for their play periods including the pool, the awesome playground across the street, sports and games, "slumber party" (doing nails, reading teen beat, and talking about boys), and a workout routine. We had 12 kids go to rappel - they even talked our fearless leader (who has a fear of heights) Charles Houston into rappelling!! Word on the street is that he wasn't going to do it until Hans talked him in to it.

I went with the group that went to Sewanee. We had a delightful day - we started at Abbot's Alley and did the outdoor labyrinth there. We walked along a stream and the boys found a lot of tadpoles and frog eggs! We then went to the book store where the kids got to browse the books, take a break from the heat, and buy Sewanee items. We then headed to the quad to play some frisbee. After breaking a sweat, it was time for our weekly stop at Mountain Breeze, the ice cream shoppe. We got some delectible treats before heading back to Dubose.

That night we loaded the bus and headed to Sewanee for our All Saints service. We had a litany of the lights where the kids lit candles and then proceeded to Evening Prayer. After singing and worshipping, the kids got a while to absorb the beauty and splendor of this beautiful chapel. We then went to the Memorial Cross and sang goofy camp songs (and got attacked by beetles). It was lightning so we didn't get a chance to have a bonfire - kids sitting out in a field just didn't seem smart. We'll have the bonfire on Friday after the dance.
1 &2) Jackson and Jonathan lighting candles at All Saints in our Litany of the Light service
3) All Saints Chapel in Sewanne, where we have our Wednesday night service
4) Alex and Patrick playing frisbee in the quad
5) Andrew checking out tadpoles in the stream

1 comment:

bonniekathryn said...

We need pix of CHB rapelling! Great entry!