Monday, June 22, 2009

Day Twenty: 6/19

Friday was the last full day of Camp Gailor Maxon Camp II. Our girls in Cabin Six were still feeling under the weather and our chaplain was officially sick at this point but we were still trucking along! Friday was the "promised land" of our chapel program and the family groups got to talk about their own personal promised lands and what that meant for their lives. After lunch, the campers split into three groups - one group rock climbed at Foster Falls, one group hiked and swam at Foster Falls, and one group stayed on campus to prepare for the night's celebration. Since the heat had not let up any since the day before, the group swimming at Foster Falls must have had the right idea - it was downright hot!

That night was the banquet, Eucharist, and dance. We had an awesome priest come in, Rick Britton from St. Ann's in Nashville. It was so great having his wife, Donna, and him with us for the evening. We had our traditional meal of chicken fingers, potatoes (scalloped this time - yum!), green beans, and a roll. After drinking all of the colored koolaid our hearts desired, we went to the Final Eucharist. Rick gave an aamzing sermon that really ended the week's chapel program well. We then headed down to the dance - middle school dances are awesome! Everyone really got in to dancing and I even saw some boys ask some girls to dance. Uh Oh! We ended the night with a bonfire by the cabins. It was a great way to say goodbye to each other and wind down from a crazy busy week.
Pictured above:
1) Genny, Lauren, Liza, Maddi, Rylee, and Isabel at the banquet
2) Andrew, Patrick, and Everet at the banquet
3) Taylor, Jackson, Carter, Zoe, and Abbie at chapel in the morning

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