Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day Twenty Six: 6/25

Thursday's chapel program focused on Moses's journey after the Red Sea - into the Wilderness. With the idea of Wilderness and Wandering, we had a skit of "Where the Wild Things Are" by the JCs and then we looked at the similarities of Moses and Max from "Where the Wild Things Are." We talked about how when we go on journeys we can't take everything and just like when we packed for camp we had a packing list of needs but also had some wants as well. We then went to small group and packed our 'family group suitcase' with needs on one side and wants on the other from magazines as if we were going on a journey.

That afternoon we had an on campus fun day. We did sports and games (a little kickball action), arts and crafts (homemade ice cream and then some tie-dying!), and then had a water day! We went to the pool and then had a slip and slide and water balloon fight.
That night was the big cabin skit and talent show. The boys did a skit on "how they got in jail" with the big joke at the end being that Joe George got in jail because he pulled the tag off the mattress. The girls did a skit about the counselors (always a favorite idea!) that involved the Wolfin and the Crocadude fighting at the end. Speaking of Crocadude, the running skit for skit night/talent show was new this week. It involved a "crocadude" expedition (crocadude is a joke from the Tracy Lakes trip - the kids made him up) where Alex, Hank, Nick, Andrew, and Neil were going on a trip to find this creature. The "crocadude" ends up being Meredith, who eats all the explorers. The kids thought it was hilarious.
We ended the night with a giant field game of capture the flag - it was two family groups versus the other two. We had jails at either end. The kids were hilarious about it because they were plotting strategy and were being spies for their side by tricking the other side into thinking they were friends instead of foes. We got two rounds of that in then went to the chapel for compline and snack.
Pictured above:
1) Aynsley and Katie Fisher having the time of their lives

2) the girls before the Capture the Flag game

3) Crocadudette gets Alex, the field explorer

4) Kids playing in the pool

5) the Slip and Slide

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