Monday, June 15, 2009

Day Fourteen and Fifteen: 6/13, 6/14

Saturday and Sunday were a blur - we woke up Saturday morning, still amazingly tired from the night before, dragged ourselves to our nice continental breakfast in the dining hall, distrubuted pictures and t-shirts, packed our bags, and said goodbye. The bus loaded up and the usual suspects ran after the bus, the perfect farewell to a great week at camp.

Saturday was spent sleeping and chilling by the counselors. We were all exhausted from camp and needed to rest! Sunday, the staff reconvened at noon to prepare for a new group to come! Camp Two arrived at 2pm and all of a sudden we were back in the swing of things with camp, running around and leading fun activities. We did the swim test (the weather held out very nicely for us - we were afraid there would be thunderstorms), then went to dinner. It was spaghetti. It is always spaghetti on the first night. Always. We played icebreakers in the downstairs chapel, sang some awesome songs led by Holly and Julia, and went to family group. The group names this week are random Disney references, so we have groups like Pizza Planet, the Maters, the Glass Slippers, the Magic Carpets, and the Jiminy Crickets. Family groups went to their meeting spots to learn about each other and play laugh your face off. We then came back together for compline, had snack, and went to cabins for cabin meetings!

Reflecting on Camp One, I am amazed at how smoothly everything ran. We had one sprained ankle, a victim of ultimate frisbee, and one stomach bug. Otherwise, we had no incidents whatsoever. The kids had fun, we got all our activities in despite rain on Wednesday and Thursday, and the kids left saying it was a great year. With a very new staff, a new director, assistant director, and chaplain, we had many changes this year but tried to maintain the traditions of the past that the kids love. We wanted a balance between a typical year at camp and adding new elements to spice things up. I feel we achieved that well.

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