Sunday, June 16, 2013

Camp One - Part Five.

Friday of Camp One is always a big hit - the morning chapel program brings everything all together and then the afternoon and night are full of adventure!

One last morning of singing in the chapel:

Lord of the Dance:

Prince of Peace:

Counselor Skit part two:

Family groups present songs/prayers about the chapel theme:

Friday was absolutely beautiful - a wonderful day for camp.

Bishop Johnson was so generous with his time this week - and so willing to jump in to the activities too! Here he is playing "Magic Tambourine" with us:

One of the ways we build community at camp is through family groups:

Friday afternoon's main highlight was the slip n slide:

And of course, a little pool time as well:

Then it was time to clean up for the banquet. Here's girl staff (minus Cameron):

And boy staff:

And the traditional banquet tunnel:

Then we had our final Eucharist:

After the Eucharist was the camp dance and then off to bed!

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