Thursday, June 11, 2015

Camp 1 Tuesday & Wednesday

Sorry to be slow to post- we've had a busy few days that kept me from the computer. But a day spent outside at camp is a day well spent!
So here goes Tuesday!
For starters we of course had chapel where we talked about how God is illuminated in scripture. Each camper was able to take their favorite verse and put it on a light bulb which made for an incredible strand of lights in the chapel!

Next we played an awesome round of kickball with all of camp. Score was not kept but it was so much fun.

In the afternoon we went climbing and swimming at Foster Falls while some stayed on campus and did things like tie dye, field games, playground.

The evening was rather chalked full between Cabin Olympics 2.0 and counselor hunt. Thanks to the talents of Miss Ashley Reddy our cabin olympics were superb! Now for counselor hunt- only 1 counselor was found! But he took his punishment of being pushed into the pool quite well. 

Wednesday was all kinds of fun! 
In chapel we spent a lot of time reflecting on how God can be illuminated in the dark places as well as the ones that already feel lit. Sam, our chaplain, put together such a beautiful program for yesterday that it just didn't feel right to take pictures during it, but you can all imagine what a beautiful part of the day it was!
In the afternoon we went to Sewanee and played ultimate, ventured to the bookstore and then went on a little stroll on the Tennessee Williams trail to the Memorial Cross! It was such a beautiful afternoon!

We finished the night with a service at All Saints Chapel in Sewanee, and for those of you who haven't been you really should visit. It is one of the most beautiful spaces to worship and there is just something special about a bunch of high schoolers singing and worshiping there that makes it extra special to us!
We finished with some make your own s'mores and finally went to bed- everyone was pretty tired! 
Here's to hoping today is even better! Talk to y'all again soon!

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