Monday, June 22, 2015

The end of Camp 2!

I know it's a little late, but I figured everyone wanted to see these awesome pictures from camp 2 anyways! So here's what happened Thursday and Friday of Camp 2!
Morning chapel was spent talking about the ways that God is illuminated in other people- both in their gifts and the ways that we amplify those gifts in each other.We finished our time by washing each other's feet and serving each other in the manner that Christ said is the full extent of his love.

In the afternoon we continued this attitude as we went to St. Mary's to serve our community by helping them in their garden as well as tending to the lavender fields. We weeded, gardened and then gathered the lavender that was taken to Thistle Farms in Nashville to be used in their products!

Thursday evening was spent in the ever-so-famous CGM Coffee House (no real coffee was served in the making of this production.) All of our youth were able to share their talents with us with everything from drama to singing, piano and more!

Friday morning we woke up and after the daily breakfast and cleaning time, we went to chapel to talk about the light that shines in each of us. Often times it can be hard to see that light in each of us and it was also fun to have our friends help point out that light. We played a very fun game called "Holy One" where each camper has a candle and the counselors (mean ole things!) are trying to blow them out. Don't worry, we played outside as to not risk any buildings! 

Finally the afternoon brought a fan favorite- going to the Res at St. Andrews Sewanee! We can jump from the rock- literally taking a big leap of faith- hang out on the dock, swim around and have tons of fun!

Of course at night we had our closing Eucharist, banquet, dance and bonfire. Thank you Father Terry for celebrating a beautiful service!

Thank you to our Camp 2 families and youth for letting us have these amazing youth for a week! We had so much fun with them and they are all so full of light! It was a joy to watch them shine!
Camp 3 is here so we shall be posting about them soon!

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