Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Camp 3 does Tuesday!

We started saying "the last one of the summer" yesterday which is really quite sad, so we are really glad to have these campers here to soak up all our lasts and the joy that comes with getting to do it all one last time!
Our morning chapel time was focused on how God illuminates himself to us in scripture. It was really amazing to see these sweet youth discuss how God speaks to them in their favorite verses and prayers. I know several of these were posted yesterday on Instagram so sorry to be redundant, but these light bulbs have just blown me away. Child-like faith is an amazing thing!

After chapel we learned some good ole CGM songs (One Tin Soldier, Little Boxes, Prunie, etc) and finally played what everyone had been asking for- MAGIC TAMBOURINE! (We did play other games such as Car-Dog-Fire Hydrant and Zebratonicus but something about Magic Tambourine gets everyone more excited than anything else.)

Once we were fed at lunch and rested at siesta we went to our afternoon activities- either rock climbing at Foster Falls, swimming at Foster Falls or staying on campus to go to the playground and Art Barn!

The evening was when the staff realized we were starting the list of lasts as we had counselor hunt. Unfortunately the weather pushed counselor hunt inside but in the end we got to silly string our counselors so I don't know that was actually a loss.

Today is Sewanee adventure day, a fan favorite around here so we will be posting about it soon!

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