Thursday, June 25, 2015

Camp 3 Wednesday- Sewanee Day!!

Well friends, we are over half way through with our final week of camp. When did that happen? What happened to CGM 2015? At least we are going out with a big, joyful bang with all these sweet youth! 
Our morning chapel program was spent singing, praying and then talking about Jonah and how he spent some really dark time in the belly of a whale. That must have been a really hard thing to go through, but what we learn is that God sent the whale to swallow Jonah and spit him out. Like Jonah's story, God won't leave us when it is dark. He will still be with us! 
The really fun part of this morning? We got to actually go in the belly of the CGM whale (made of cardboard, located in the Upstairs Chapel) and get a feel for what Jonah might have felt. Here are a couple pics of our youth seeing how that felt!

After the whale we went to small groups and talked about how to pray about the dark things. Everyone made a strand of prayer beads and everyone took someone else's strand to remember to pray for each other through the dark things. Finally everyone wrote something they are thankful for and something they need help with. In the big group we read these prayers and they were so beautiful!

Yesterday afternoon was Sewanee day, historically everyone's favorite. I don't believe this year was an exception. We started at the War Memorial Cross in Sewanee. The view down the mountain is so beautiful from there you can't help but fall in love with it. Then we walked along the Tennessee Williams trail back into Sewanee- with a pit stop at the Chapel of the Apostles, the University of the South School of Theology Chapel! This beautiful wood building allowed for wandering and some pretty neat pictures.

We finished our time in Sewanee in the bookstore and with a little bit of rain (which was actually really nice- it cooled down the mountain a good bit!) 

After dinner we went back to Sewanee to have a service at All Saint's Chapel, which is the chapel for the University of the South. A little New Zealand night prayer, a lot of singing, and some neat prayer stations were really cool for our youth this evening! We finished the service a big joyful round of This Little Light of Mine- so much fun!

Everyone was exhausted and got a good night of sleep. Today is all about how God is illuminated in each other- stayed tuned for a pretty special day at CGM!

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