Monday, June 22, 2015

Camp 3 has arrived!

Camp 3 is here with all kinds of sweet energy! These youth are way too much fun and every time we talk to them is a joy! Here's a bit how their first 36 hours have gone!
Once everyone was here and registered and settled in their cabins we had dinner and an opening Eucharist! It was so fun to start singing together again!

Afterwards we got to meet our family groups and then played a small game of capture the flag in the field. It was so good to run around and move everybody to get the week started!

This morning we woke up and after a little breakfast and cabin cleaning, we had chapel where we talked about how God is illuminated for us in nature. The counselors had a pretty funny skit about the creation story and then we went on a nature walk to see and express all the things outside we're thankful for (we might have snuck around to get this sweet picture of the Quesadilla group on their walk!) Finally we expressed our thankfulness on a stone which we then put on the stone altar. It was a really beautiful morning!

Next we went swimming and played some kickball before heading to lunch! 
Once we had a little lunch and siesta in us we went on an adventure to hike to Green's View in Sewanee. It is a beautiful trail that leads to an even better view!

We then spent a little time in Abbo's Alley playing in the creek and gazebo before we headed back to camp!

Everyone was thrilled to have taco bar for dinner tonight which fueled us well for Cabin Olympics tonight! Cabin 5L came away with the overall win but with games like our own version of the Belmont Stakes, a raisin race, water balloon toss, 4-legged race and ultimate ships and sailors are there actually winners and losers? I don't think so!

Everyone is safe and snug in their beds so we will be rested for another big day tomorrow! Don't forget to stay tuned to the Instagram and Twitter accounts for live action updates throughout the days!

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