Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Camp One, Day Three.

Tuesday morning we woke up to beautiful fog rolling in on the Mountain. After a rainy Monday, the fog signaled the shift we would see to a pleasant but overcast Tuesday. 

For morning chapel we played some music and then focused on bible verses as ways God speaks to us through scripture. 

In the afternoon a group went rock climbing, a group hiked and swam Foster Falls, and a group stayed on campus to play games. Here's the football playing group:

Tuesday night brought Counselor Hunt. The counselors dressed in all sorts of silly outfits and hid on campus for the campers to find them. If found, the campers got to push the counselors in the pool. 

While we waited for it to get dark we played a favorite game of the campers, Magic Tambourine. In this game, music plays and the person with the tambourine gets people to link up and dance with them until they drop the tambourine and the music stops - last person left standing is the next person to have the tambourine. 

Then it was time to hear about Counselor Hunt. Here's the staff explaining boundaries and rules before scattering to hide:

And once the game was over (3 counselors were found, 3 escaped a push in the pool), we had snack and compline before heading to bed. 

That's all for Tuesday...until next time!

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