Monday, June 4, 2012

Staff Week Day 3.

Monday of staff week was full of planning, thought, and preparation. We started off the morning by officially meeting and introducing ourselves to all the various Dubose staff members - these people are the ones that run the camp grounds and make our lives easier. Such wonderful people! 

After that we worked on Pre-Camp's chapel program and then the camp chapel program before breaking for lunch. 

Post-lunch we had our Safeguarding God's Children training - for those not familiar, it ensures that appropriate boundaries are kept when working with youth in the church setting. The famous Christy Beesley was so wonderful to lead that training and the conversations it brought up. 

After training, the staff went to the pool for some safety discussions. Great conversation resulted talking about procedure in case of emergency and pool safety rules. 

The staff has been enjoying some delicious meals from the Kitchen Lovelies and we've also found that meal times are a great bonding moment for us as we relax and let loose. 

The remainder of the night was spent on more chapel planning - and of course, compline. All in all, a very productive day spent planning for our campers to have the time of their life. 

As usual, check back tomorrow for another update!

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