Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Staff Week Day Five.

Wednesday of staff week was a shorter one because our counselors got a well-earned break off starting after lunch. 

The day started with meeting the bus drivers and going over rules and procedures. After that, we worked on nametags, family groups, signs, and more. 

Then we drove down into Sherwood to visit the community center. Thursdays are community service oriented for afternoon activities for camps one through three and so Cameron arranged for us to help the Sherwood Community Center clean, organize, and decorate for their annual Fourth of July celebration. It was so wonderful meeting with the head of the community center and finding out what we could do to help her community. 

After meeting with her, we headed back towards campus. On the way we stopped and checked out a neat piece of Sherwood history. Sherwood is a limestone mining community and they have a closed limestone mine that has become overrun with kudzu before stopping operations in the 1940's. It is a beautiful part of the landscape and has a lot of meaning and history to it. 

Once back at Dubose, we ate a hearty lunch before spending the rest of the day resting and relaxing before the pre-camp families arrive Thursday. 

Wednesday night the sunlight was perfect to take this picture of our brand new roof! Dubose recently put a new mission style roof on Claiborne Hall, thanks to the donations of generous lovers of Dubose. We are so excited about how it turned out and how much it helps the building, which is historic and has been around for a long time. 

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